Protecting the heart and soul of your business

Monitor and remove brand infringements across key platforms with tailored protection.

  • Uncover brand misuse across key platforms

  • Understand your options

  • Undo the damage with swift action

Shield with a video preview

2500brands protected by Trama

Brand protection wherever you need it

Choose from monitoring on social media, e-commerce platforms, web domains, trademark and business registers to achieve effective protection for your brand.

Flower surrounded by platform icons

Peace of mind for your business

Any infringement of your brand has the potential to create lasting impacts in terms of lost revenue and diminished reputation. Trama simplifies brand protection into three convenient steps - Uncover, Understand & Undo.

UNCOVER brand misuse

Brand infringement monitoring across key platforms designed to identify and highlight relevant threats, placing client convenience at the forefront.

  • Pre-filtered results of high relevance

  • Easy-to-use interface

  • Bi-weekly reports

Monitoring threats

UNDERSTAND your options

Full scale of infringement solutions available thanks to the in-house legal team. Tailored recommendations provided for every threat identified.

  • Clear resolution options

  • Tailored recommendations

  • Legal consultation available

Monitoring solution options

UNDO the damage

Take swift action against uncovered threats with our full legal support, preventing the negative impacts in terms of lost revenue and diminished brand reputation.

  • Effective take-downs across platforms

  • Legal enforcement and dispute settlement

  • Experienced legal team in your corner


Meet the experts behind Trama

You are in the right hands

Get a peace of mind by leaving the protection of your brand to our highly experienced legal team.

Let's watch over your brand together
