Trademark co-existence agreement

Save your trademark by proposing a co-existence agreement to the counterparty.


Do you wish to strike an agreement with the owner of another trademark?

Did you receive an opposition from the owner of a trademark similar to yours? Or do you want to prevent an office action raised on their behalf? A co-existence agreement might save your application from dismissal. If you wish to pursue this option, we can craft the agreement and negotiate with the counterparty.

  • Document with a checkmark


    trademarks registered

  • Scales of justice


    cases settled

How it works?

  • Share the details of your case

    Fill out the form below and describe the issue you are facing, including yours and the other party’s mark.

  • Consultation

    We will assess your case, discuss your options with you, and provide a final quote.

  • Execution

    If you choose us as your representatives, we will reach out to the other party on your behalf.

Pricing for a standard case


Should the scope of your case exceed our standard rate, we will provide a fixed quote so you know what to expect before choosing our services.

Ice cream with a price tag

You are in the right hands

Get a peace of mind by leaving your case to our highly experienced legal team.

What our clients say?

Let's save your trademark together

Leave us a note so we can assess your case.




