From Kimono, through #KimOhNo, to Skims: A branding nightmare for Kim Kardashian
#KimOhNo became a symbol of the backlash to Kim Kardashian’s attempt to register a trademark for her new line of shape wear, Kimono.
Case no.: R0383/2021-5
Decision date: 12 Aug, 2021
Jurisdiction: European Union
Subject matter: Colour mark, Conceptual similarity, Dominant element, Identity of goods and services, Phonetic similarity, Visual similarity, Withdrawal
Case no.: R 383/2021-5
Decision date: 16 May, 2023
Jurisdiction: European Union
Subject matter: Likelihood of confusion, Visual similarity, Phonetic similarity, Withdrawal, Identity of goods and services, Similarity of goods and services
Case no.: R1576/2011-1
Decision date: 06 Apr, 2012
Jurisdiction: European Union
Subject matter: Common element, Conceptual similarity, Descriptive element, Distinctive element, Identity of goods and services, Likelihood of confusion, Phonetic similarity, Similarity of goods and services, Similarity of the signs, Visual similarity
Case no.: R0617/2015-1
Decision date: 28 Jan, 2016
Jurisdiction: European Union
Subject matter: Conceptual similarity, Distinctive element, Dominant element, Figurative element, Figurative trade mark, Identity of goods and services, Likelihood of confusion, Nature of the goods and services, Phonetic similarity, Purpose of the goods and services, Similarity of the signs, Visual similarity
Is there only an electronic certificate, or can I obtain a paper version as well?
How should I proceed, given there's already a similar registered trademark?
How much does adding a class to my EU trademark application cost?
What can differentiate my trademark from a very similar trademark?
What is the difference between the ™ symbol and the ℠ symbol?