Trademark Hall of Fame



Official website

Owned by

Apple Inc.


Apple Inc., founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, has evolved into one of the most iconic and influential technology companies globally. The company's journey began with the creation of the Apple I, the first personal computer developed by Wozniak, followed by the groundbreaking Macintosh in 1984. Apple's history is marked by innovation, with the introduction of the iPod in 2001, the iPhone in 2007, and the iPad in 2010, revolutionizing the consumer electronics market. Under the leadership of various CEOs, including Jobs and Tim Cook, Apple has consistently focused on creating user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing products, establishing itself as a leader in design and technology.Apple's first registered trademark was for its famous logo featuring an apple with a bite taken out of it. The logo was designed by Rob Janoff and is often referred to as the "rainbow apple" or the "bitten apple." Apple filed for the trademark on January 3, 1977, and it was registered on April 1, 1977. This iconic logo has undergone several modifications over the years, with Apple eventually transitioning to a monochromatic version.

Apple is known for actively monitoring its trademarks and taking legal action to defend its intellectual property rights. The company is vigilant in identifying potential infringement cases and is not hesitant to pursue legal recourse when necessary. Apple has a history of filing lawsuits against companies or individuals that it believes are infringing on its trademarks or copying its products. One of the most prominent and long-running trademark disputes involved Apple and Samsung. The legal battle spanned multiple countries and revolved around allegations of patent and design infringement related to smartphones and tablets. The disputes included claims of similarities in design, user interface elements, and iconography. The litigation ultimately resulted in various outcomes, including Apple being awarded damages in some cases, and both companies agreeing to settle their global patent disputes in 2014. In 2011, Apple filed a lawsuit against Microsoft over the use of the term "App Store." Apple claimed that Microsoft's use of the term for its digital distribution platform, "Windows Phone Store," infringed on Apple's trademark for its own App Store. The case was eventually settled out of court, and both companies continued to use the term for their respective app marketplaces.

Selected trademarks

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