What does "Translation Required" in my office action mean?

Photo of Jan Buza

Written by Jan Buza

Co-founder of Trama

If your trademark office action includes a translation requirement, it means that to permit a proper examination of your application, the examiner is asking for an English translation of a foreign wording in the mark. This clarification can be provided online.

An office action response is usually free; however, occasional costs may arise. Since January 18, 2025, the USPTO has updated its fees, replacing TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard with a single $350 per-class application fee. Additional surcharges now apply, including a $100 fee per class for missing required details, a $200 fee per class for using custom descriptions instead of pre-approved ones, and a $200 fee per class for excessive character length in descriptions. To avoid extra costs, applicants should ensure complete and accurate filings.

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