When should I register my trademark?
Timing is everything, and this is especially true when it comes to trademark registration. Choosing to trademark your brand at the right time is much more important than you would think.
Class 9 covers mobile apps as they are downloadable products, but to protect a SaaS website, Class 42 would be more fitting.
'SaaS' stands for 'Software as a Service', with 'service' being the word for what the business offers. While Class 9 belongs to the goods classes, Class 42 is a service class, which makes it a better fit.
When filing your application, you are free to choose Class 9 only; however, that would offer only limited legal protection to your business.
If you need help with selecting the right classes, you can try our Class Assist tool. You can also fill out our form for a free lawyer's check, and our lawyers will prepare a list of recommended classes for you.
How can I overcome the "merely descriptive" refusal from the USPTO?
What does BREXIT mean for UK trademark validity in Europe and vice versa?
Can I make my trademark all capital letters instead of a mix of lower and upper case?
Do I have to register a trademark in each member state of the EU?
What are the trademark differences between major jurisdictions (UK, US, EU, AU)?
Will obtaining a trademark in one member state allow me to block an EU trademark application?
Our team of experienced trademark attorneys is here to help you! Simply send us an email outlining your request and we'll be happy to assist you.