Optimal trademark strategy for startups: What, why and when
Based on our years of experience in trademark registration and brand protection services, we have compiled a brief guide for an optimal trademark strategy for emerging companies.
The price for filing a trademark application for one class in the U.S. is $350. This fee applies to each class of goods or services you wish to protect under the trademark.
This pricing was changed on January 18, 2025, when the USPTO simplified its fee structure. Prior to this date, there were different options for filing fees (TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard), but now there is a single base fee of $350 per class.
Please bear in mind that these prices include only the government fees paid directly to the USPTO. If you are not filing your application yourself but through a legal representative, additional costs for their service will apply.
What is the price for 2 or more trademark classes in the US?
Do I have to use my trademark in commerce before applying for an EU trademark?
Do the lists of goods and services vary depending on the country?
Is there any difference between specimen for Use in Commerce and Intent to Use applications?
What should I do if my trademark application receives a specimen refusal in an office action?
What does BREXIT mean for UK trademark validity in Europe and vice versa?
How can I overcome a Section 2(e)(3) refusal of my trademark application?
What does "Transliteration Required" in my office action mean?
If I need to respond to an office action and submit new evidence, will it cost extra?
What are the trademark differences between major jurisdictions (UK, US, EU, AU)?
Is it possible to extend a member country trademark into an EU trademark?
How can I overcome a Section 2(e)(2) refusal of my trademark application?
Do I have to register a trademark in each member state of the EU?
Does my EU trademark protect me globally or just within the EU?
Our team of experienced trademark attorneys is here to help you! Simply send us an email outlining your request and we'll be happy to assist you.